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Made Simple

You have a story to tell and are ready to take action. Remove the barriers, say goodbye to the rejection. letters and keep 100% of your royalties. Finally, children's book publishing without confusion, frustration, or delays.


Our Signature Program Includes:

  • Author Coaching (1:1 or Group)

  • Self-Publishing Services

  • Courses & Programs

April Cox holding her newest book.

Create high-quality
children's books like these...

Our coaching, courses and self-publishing services have helped over 1500 authors to create beautiful high-quality children's books that can compete with traditionally published options without the rejection letters and long wait to get published.​

These are just some of them.

Image by Christin Hume


Does this sound familiar?

  • Are you feeling confused about self-publishing?

  • Would you like to get published, but are unsure where to begin?

  • Do you want to avoid mistakes, wasted time, and money?

  • Are you afraid of being taken advantage of by predatory publishers that don't have your best interest at heart?

  • Do you need help but are unsure who you can trust? 

A photo of April with a child at her book signing event.

I can relate because I've been there...

My name is April Cox and I’m a best-selling, award-winning children’s book author and founder of Little Labradoodle Publishing. I was once exactly where you are - confused and overwhelmed about the self-publishing process. 


I made a lot of costly mistakes, but was determined to make my dream come true, so I forged a path to success. By combining my 35 years of technology and project management expertise and what I learned on my self-publishing journey, I created my signature self-publishing course - The 90-Day Way.


Over the years, I am proud to say that my expertise has helped over 1,500 authors. I’ve helped turn their struggles into triumphs. I've watched them celebrate the joy and accomplishment of bringing their children’s books to life, and I can help you, too.

Together, we can turn your dream of becoming a published author into reality, and it will be simple, affordable, and fun! 

Work with us...

Stack of Books
Raised hands with kids in a classroom.

Your story deserves to be told.

As a passionate advocate for independent authors, my goal is to remove the barriers that stand in the way of publishing your story. 

NO MORE roadblocks... gatekeepers... or confusion! That's my mission.

The stories you've penned have the power to shape young minds and hearts. With our guidance, you're not just publishing a book—you're launching a legacy.

Gone are the days of second-guessing, of endless 'what ifs,' and of feeling lost trying to figure it out on your own. Step into a world where YOU are in control with a proven roadmap and expert support to create a  high quality book that you can be proud of.

Stack of Books


The 90-Day Way

  • Helps you self-publish a high quality children's book in just 90 days

  • Removes the roadblocks and provides a clear roadmap to publishing your book

  • Guides you through every step of the publishing process from start to finish.

  • Connects you with high-quality and vetted professionals you can trust.

  • Helps you build confidence as an author

  • Provides a strong sense of community among authors sharing in the journey.


Yes, the process really works!

“I took April’s course in the Summer of 2023 and didn’t publish one book, but rather two and followed it up with two activity books to go along with them.


I could never have done that without April’s self-publishing course.”


– Leslee Flanagan

Author, Leslee Flanagan
Worksheets used in the free course.

Get Your Free Jump Start to Self-Publishing Mini-Course

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