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Writer's pictureApril Cox

What's the Worst that Could Happen?

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

One Author's Book Launch Nightmare

Have you ever tried to fight anxiety by playing the game What's the Worst that Could Happen?

Pat Danna, self-published author of Delmar the Dinky is launching her second book in the series: Delmar the Dinky and the Animal Circus..

The writing and illustration of the book went pretty smoothly but as she worked with her team to begin planning the book launch, things started to fall apart. It wasn't the typical problems though, this was a disaster.

Her home was flooded due to torrential rains - flooded to the point of having police officers bang at her door to have her evacuated. "I remember the dog swimming across the kitchen." Pat remembers.

She lost many of her belongings and she didn't have flood insurance - after all she wasn't in a flood plane. Pat was devastated by all the damage, but she and her little dog were okay and that's what mattered most.

She moved into the opposite side of the duplex which was livable and tried to start digging out from under the mess... Pat Danna, Author of Delmar the Dinky until a tree fell on the house. You can't make up this stuff! But that's not all... her home insurance was cancelled and she was still trying to figure things out on her own.

Book Launch Cancelled

The book launch seemed to be permanently on hold. When we checked in with her last month. I couldn't blame her. She just didn't have the energy or mindset to be launching her book with everything else that was going on.

Knowing Christmas season was coming, I offered to help with the book launch if she wanted to move forward. My team jumped on board as well as did some of the authors within the community that Pat has been a big part of.

I am glad to report that the ebook for Delmar the Dinky launches today, September 20, 2022. There will be free ebooks available on the 21st and 22nd (Wed and Thu).

Delmar the Dinky and the Animal Circus

Delmar the Dinky is a beautifully illustrated children's picture book series. Kids who love Thomas the Tank Engine or The Little Engine that Could will love Delmar.

Delmar proves that even a little dinky can do big things - like save the day when the animal circus comes to town!

How can you help?

Join us to make this launch the best it can be.

  • Order your copy (or grab a free ebook)

  • Buy an extra for the classroom or a kid on your Christmas list!

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1 commentaire

20 sept. 2022

The phrase is "What's the WORST that could happen?" and it's "flood plain." Just sayin'. 😉


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