Event Details

Tue, Jul 20
Book Marketing Mastery
A.G. Billig shares her book marketing secrets to help you sell more books and get publicity for greater sales.
Time & Location
Jul 20, 2021, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
About The Event
A.G. Billig is a bestselling published author of fiction and non-fiction books, self-publishing expert, coach and presenter, book shepherd, founder of Self-Publishing Mastery.  A former radio and TV host, editor-in-chief for glossy magazines, and PR and branding expert, she uses her experience and expertise to help authors get clear about their writing goals, build their author brand and platform, and become successful. She is also a sought-after speaker at writers’ conferences and a member of IWOSC.
She will share the secrets of marketing your books and getting publicity for a best-selling book launch.
Note: This event is free to members and current author workgroup attendees. Â Not a member? Â Consider joining for $17 per month - less than the price of attendance at one meeting.
Current Author Work Group
Current Author Workgroup Members always participate in author events during the workgroup session at no charge.
$0.00Sale endedNon-Members
$20.00Sale endedSPMS Mastermind Member
Free access always for Self-Publishing Mastermind members. Not a member - $17 per month to join.
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