"I created this course because so many people were being taken advantage of by predatory publishers. Just a couple of hours of time will give you a strong foundation to build upon. Let me know how you like it by emailing me at april@thelittlelabradoodlecom!" -- April
Intro to Self-Publishing
I created my Jump Start to Self-Publishing program to help authors understand the basics of self-publishing. ​The mini-course is delivered on-demand and is completely FREE! Go at your own pace.
Topics include:
Why Self-Publish?
Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing
The Self-Publishing Process
Decisions You Need to Make
Common Self-Publishing Mistakes
Writing and Self-Editing Tips
Cost to Self-Publish (including Budget Template & Video)
Self-Publishing Checklist (Template & Video Walk-Through)
Find a mentor, or plan on working with a self-publishing coach. ​