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Author Survey

It is important to us that we understand the wants and needs of the authors we serve. 

By answering this survey, you are helping to shape the future of our offerings and even some of the things we are doing right now for the author community.

As an incentive to thank you for your time I am offering a $50 discount on one service. 



Thank you for taking time to provide feedback and help us plan for the upcoming year. Our goal for this survey is to better understand you (our fans, friends, and subscribers). It is important to us to understand your needs so we can invest in those things that truly make a difference.

About You

How did you originally hear about us?

Referral Source

What roles best describe you?

Select all that apply.


Your Genre(s)

Select all that apply. If you are not an author, select N/A.


* Your WHY

Why do you write/publish books?

(Check more than one if applicable)

Your Why

SPMS Certification

Are you interested in coaching other authors in the future? We are considering "coach the coaches" training to allow us to serve more people vs. being limited to hours we can coach 1:1.

Would you be interested in becoming a certified coach?

How are we doing?

We would like your honest feedback about how we are doing with serving you - our authors, parents, and teacher subscribers.

Our Services

Please help us understand those things we should continue doing (keep), STOP doing (annoying or problematic), and START doing (something new you would appreciate).

Our Resources

Please check off any of our FREE resources that you have personally used.


Our Services

Check off any of our services below that you have used..


Our Events

New Ideas, Products, Services?

Our time is limited so as we consider expanding and/or creating new products for our authors, it is important for us to understand what is wanted / needed by our authors. Please fill out the info below.


Check off the products below that you would consider using yourself.



Which services below should we consider?


Kidlit Readers Club

Would you be interested in being part of our Kidlit Readers Club, with early access to new children's books and resources? Participants would have opportunities to serve on launch teams and provide reviews to assist authors with getting the word out about their books.

This would be especially useful for former educators or influencers who would like to support the author community.

Participants may receive free or discounted books. Authors who take part would also be eligible to submit their own books for consideration.

Kidlit Readers


Are you interested in collaboration opportunities?


Other Comments?

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Can we follow up with you about your suggestions?

If Yes, please provide the best contact info to reach you (email/phone)

Thank you!

It means so much that you provided this valuable information!